Language and Sports

Below you can find information for all professional, amateur and sports enthuasiasts who want to improve their Catalan. You'll find useful public information to promote the use of Catalan in sports as well as information to improve the quality of written texts.

Sports terms

On this page you can find information regarding sports terminology, as well as links to vocabularies classified by sports type (in Catalan).

Esports aquàtics
Esports d'aventura
Esports d'hivern
Esports nàutics
Esports olímpics
Patinatge artístic
Surf de neu
Paraules del mar

Improve your Catalan

Language resources to improve your writing in Catalan, including tips and tricks to improve your writing, translation and spell-checking of documents.

Automatic correctors:
Corrector ortogràfic de Softcatalà / El Corrector

Automatic translators: / Salt / Apertium / Google / Sishitra / Tradukka

Diccionari de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans / Gran diccionari de la llengua catalana

Enciclopèdia catalana / Viquipèdia

Terms databases:
Cercaterm / UBTerm

Language questions:
Optimot / Sens Dubte

Verb conjugations:
Verbix /
Resources to learn Catalan Espai virtual d'aprenentatge que posa a l'abast de tothom materials didàctics per aprendre la llengua catalana.
Itineraris d'aprenentatge. Llengua catalana:
Materials per als nivells intermedi i suficiència que permeten aprendre de manera autònoma.
Dictats en línia188 dictats en línia, que corresponen als nivells intermedi, de suficiència i superior

Become a volunteer

"Volunteering for the language" is a programme to practice Catalan through conversation. Language pairs are created based on a volunteer that speaks Catalan fluently and a student that has basic knowledge of Catalan and wants to become fluent.

Do you want to participate? If yes, then you only need to sign up by clicking here.

If you're not sure, take a look at the 10 cites show, which is 13 episodes produced by TV3 and the Directorate General for Language Policy. These episodes show different native language speakers living together. The episodes last between 15 to 20 minutes and can help you to decide whether to sign up for the "Volunteering for the language" programme.

If you're already a volunteer then this collection can help enrich the dialogue you have with your language partners.

Find out more via the external links below.